Table data is normally repeatable by nature. ng-repeat directive can be used to draw table easily. Following example states the use of ng-repeat directive to draw a table. <table> <tr> <th> Name </th> <th> Marks </th> </tr> <tr ng-repeat = "subject in student.subjects" > <td> {{ }} </td> <td> {{ subject.marks }} </td> </tr> </table> Table can be styled using CSS Styling. <style> table , th , td { border : 1px solid grey ; border - collapse : collapse ; padding : 5px ; } table tr : nth - child ( odd ) { background - color : #f2f2f2; } table tr : nth - child ( even ) { background - color : #ffffff; } </style> Example Following example will showcase all the above mentioned directive. <html> <head> <...
Sticking to your guns is often seen as a good thing, but sometimes it can do more harm than good. Especially when it means persisting with a mundane process in full knowledge that it will cause new problems… In short: today Apple stopped signing iOS 10.1 and iOS 10.1.1. What this means is Apple servers will not recognize either update as legitimate anymore so iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users can no longer downgrade to them from iOS 10.2, which Apple released last week . Apple typically stops signing old versions of iOS within a week or two of launching a new version. And yet persisting with this seemingly simple housekeeping exercise makes no sense whatsoever given the problems iOS 10.2 is exacerbating with the so-called ‘30% battery bug’. First reported by me last month , the 30% bug can affect every iOS 10 compatible iPhone with the exception of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus and it causes the phone to die suddenly when the bat...